viernes, 3 de julio de 2020


A new mission that follows the adventures of Sergeant Reickhart and his unit through an occupied France....

Episode 1 keep silent

Our unit under Sergeant Reickhart's command continues advancing in the battlefield.

They are informed of the movement of Nazi troops near the small town of Vilens, apparently it may be an incursion by a small contingent of soldiers.

As they advance through the woods they see a small farm with a German half-track and a few soldiers in the surroundings. 

The airborne soldiers approach unnoticed covered by trees and the sdkfz. The soldier, knife in hand, approaches one of the Nazis who is guarding. 

With a slight noise it attracts him to his position, catching him by surprise and cutting his throat, giving him no chance to scream and raise the alarm.

With one of the soldiers down, the allies take two different positions from which attack the other four Germans.

In a turn and a half three of the four Nazi soldiers die, leaving the fourth seriously wounded and unable to fight back the advance of the allied unit. 

On the next turn he dies under Allied fire.

The five German soldiers die thanks to the surprise attack of the allied unit that only has one paratrooper wounded among them. 

Once eliminated, they release a family that was being held on the farm.

This family tells them that another group of soldiers marched several hours ago taking with them their two young children. They think they heard them say they were looking for a cemetery. There is a cemetery that is located just six kilometers away from the farm. 

The soldiers search the half-track and find documents and maps that indicate a location a few kilometers away, perhaps it could be the cemetery ... 

Episode 2 The cemetery 

After marching through the woods towards that location, the soldiers check that it corresponds to a cemetery. 

Upon arrival they see several soldiers, and next to them they see a truck in which two children cry. The soldiers are around several coffins that appear to have been taken out from an old mausoleum.

Our soldiers move forward taking positions covered by the cemetery wall

As they approach they see the group of soldiers around an open coffin, a corpse rests inside, a high-rank officer dressed in a suit and black leather coat mumbles some kind of chant that he is reading from a small book he holds in his hands. 

Allied soldiers attack by surprise, killing one Nazi and injuring two more. 

But they can't stand a second attack. 

Two other Nazis, covered behind the truck, shoot an airborne soldier and Sergeant Reickhart, afterwards one of the nazis is shot down. 

The allied soldiers advance in formation, killing the last German standing. 

Once they have killed the German soldiers, they open the truck freeing two children, ages 8 and 10, who will be returned to their parents on the farm. 

Among the documents that the German officer has, they find a notebook with many handwritten notes, pagan rites, signs and many indications. 

These notes reveal that this German unit was on the trail of a man who died years ago, accused of having murdered several children and having drained their blood affected by some kind of mental illness. 

He was lynched by residents of the town, and according to the documents, he was buried in a crypt with a stake pierced through his chest ... 

The soldiers look at the corpse in the coffin, which has a big hole in the chest, and see a stake lying on the ground besides the coffin...

Without been able to even open their mouths, the soldiers look at Sergeant Reickhart.

The commanding officer of the unit, grabs the stake from the ground and nails it with a strong blow to the corpse's chest, separates from the coffin and stares at it ... 

While lighting a cigarette he orders his men "Burn the body ... Fire purifies ..."

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