viernes, 19 de junio de 2020


In this post you have a link where you can download in a single pdf the background and rules to adapt Rangers of shadow deep to a weird ww2 setting. 

Just click on the following link:

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

If you want a Spanish translation just click on the following link:

Edit 2:
If you want a French trnslation, just click on the following link:

(French translation made by IVAN LE CLOU)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! This looks like a fun idea, as an Achtung! Cthulhu DM and AC Skirmish player. Did you have any plans to reskin monsters, opposition, levels etc?

    1. Hi! I love acthung cthulhu!
      Monsters are going to keep their stats, but changing their names sometimes... For example, gnols are going to be Nazi soldiers, with their stats, but spiders, zombies, werewolves... Are going to remain the same...

      A bit of leveling is needed as now all the heroes have ranged weapons, but close combat is quite important as the distances are not long and the enemy is fast... And don't forget that all the Nazi soldiers also have ranged weapons!!
